Quick Video Clips

These interactive video clips will assist you with the LawNet Google interface. Please make sure that your Quicktime or your Flash player is up to date so that the videos will work without any errors.


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(4:50) Tour the Gmail interface and learn about system labels, personal labels, and other information displayed in your Inbox.

(3:32) Gmail groups all replies to a message with the original message, creating a single message thread or conversation. Reply to conversations, expand and collapse them, or turn off conversation view.

(2:37) Manage your Inbox by archiving rather than deleting messages.

(2:38) With Gmail, you can send and receive messages up to 25 megabytes in size. Learn to add and preview attachments.

Google Calendar

(2:40) Take a tour of Google Calendar to learn about different parts of the interface.

(3:03) Learn the two most common ways to create Google Calendar events.

(3:05) Undo changes you make to events and delete events from your calendar.

(3:05) Create regularly repeating events—daily, weekly, monthly, annually, or even bi-weekly or quarterly.

(0:29) Share your calendar with co-workers so they can check out your schedule, too.

Google Contacts

(2:03) Explore the Google Apps Contact manager, which can keep track of your personal contacts as well as other contacts in your organization and people you email most frequently.

(1:29) Create contact groups to organize your personal contacts and to use as personal mailing lists.

Google Docs

(3:17) Navigate the Google Docs List and locate all your Google Docs.

(7:15) Ensure document security by defining sharing and viewing permissions with individuals both inside and outside your domain.

(1:45) Create, name, and rename a spreadsheet in Google Docs.

(6:38) Explore Google Docs forms. Create new forms, insert, move, and delete question types, and apply a design theme.