Android Phone Users
Get Mail and Calendar on your Android
One you set up your phone to use your Google Apps account, your email address and calendar are ready to go.
Use Google Chat on your Android - Just launch your phone's IM app.
Talk with your Google Voice contacts directly from your Android.
G Suite
Set Up G Suite for Android Mobile
Install G Suite Apps for Mobile
Get Help with G Suite Mobile Training
Access your favorite G Suite apps with ease on your Android mobile device.
Google Drive
Point your Android's browser to:
Install Google Drive for Android
From here, you'll see a mobile version of your Drive where you can view documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.
Google Docs
Point your Android's browser to:
From here, you'll see a mobile version of your Docs list where you can view documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.
What other Google Apps can you use on your Android? Visit Google's Android Help Center.